
(Listed in reverse chronological order)

Peer Reviewed Articles:

  • Godfrey D. A., Zegel, M.,  Babcock J. C., & Vujanovic, A. (2022). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and relationship satisfaction among firefighters: The role of emotion regulation difficulties. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.
  • Armenti, N. A., & Babcock, J. C. (2021). Borderline personality features, anger, and intimate partner violence: An experimental manipulation of rejection. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(5-6), NP3104–NP3129. doi: 10.1177/0886260518771686
  • Babcock, J. C. & Iyican, S. (2021). The proximal effects of alcohol on intimate partner violence: Comparing the antecedents of intoxicated vs. sober men’s violent acts. Manuscript accepted for publication. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  • Babcock, J. C. & Potthoff, A. L. (2021). Effects of angry rumination and distraction in intimate partner violent men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  • Bennett, V. E., Godfrey, D. A., Snead, A., Kehoe, C. M., Bastardas-Albero, A. & Babcock, J. C. (2020). Couples and family interventions for intimate partner aggression: A comprehensive review. Partner Abuse, 11(3), 292-317.
  • Godfrey, D. A., & Babcock, J. C. (2020). Facial affect recognition moderates the relation between autonomic nervous system reactivity and aggression during dyadic conflict. Psychophysiology, e13588.
  • Godfrey, D. A., Bennett, V. E., & Babcock, J. C. (2020). Trait anger moderates the relation between facial affect recognition ability and perpetration of male-to-female physical and psychological intimate partner aggression. Journal of Family Violence.
  • Godfrey, D. A., Kehoe, C. M., Bennett, V. E., Bastardas-Albero, A., & Babcock, J. C. (2020). Validating measures of emotional abuse with behavioral observations during interpersonal conflict. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 10(3), 63
  • Sharp, C., Vanwoerden, S., Jouriles, E., Godfrey, A., Babcock, J. C., McLaren, V., McFarlane, J., Brashear, B., & Temple, J. R. (2020).  Exposure to interparental intimate partner violence and the development of borderline features in adolescents. Child Abuse & Neglect, 103, 104448.
  • Godfrey D. A., Kehoe, C. M., Bastardas-Albero, A. & Babcock, J. C. (2020). Empathy mediates the relations between working memory and perpetration of intimate partner violence and aggression. Behavioral Sciences. 10(3), 63.
  • Babcock, J. C. & Cooper, J. (2019). Testing the utility of the neural network model to predict history of arrest in batterers. Safety, 5(2), 2-11.doi:10.3390/safety5010002.
  • Babcock, J. C. & Banks, J. (2019). Interobserver agreement and the effects of ethnicity on observational coding of affect. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(9), 2842-2856. doi:10.1177/0265407518803474.
  • Babcock, J. C. & Michonski, J. D. (2019). Sensitivity to facial affect in personality disordered batterers:  Expression recognition and physiological responses. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 11(3), 213-224. doi: 10.1108/JACPR-12-2018-0396
  • Babcock, J. C., Snead, A. L., Bennett, V. E., & Armenti, N. A. (2019). Distinguishing subtypes of mutual violence in the context of self-defense: Classifying types of partner violent couples using a modified Conflict Tactics Scale. Journal of Family Violence, 34, 687–696. doi:10.1007/s10896-018-0012-2
  • Snead, A. L. & Babcock, J. C. (2019). Differential predictors of intimate partner sexual coercion versus physical abuse. Journal of Sexual Aggression. 25(2), 146-160.doi: 10.1080/13552600.2019.1581282. 
  • Trahan, L. H. & Babcock, J. C. (2019). The emotional reactivity of intimate partner violent men with Borderline or Antisocial Personality Disorder: Results from an interpersonal conflict task. Journal of Family Violence, 34(7), 645-654.doi: 0.1007/s10896-019-00069-9
  • Armenti, N. A., Snead, A. L., & Babcock, J. C. (2018). The role of trait anger in the relation between juvenile delinquency and intimate partner violence in adulthood. Crime & Delinquency, 64(5), 587-605.
  • Armenti, N. A., & Babcock, J. C. (2018). Psychophysiological reactivity profiles of partner-violent men with borderline or psychopathic personality features: The role of empathy. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology62(11), 3337–3354. doi: 10.1177/0306624X17740029
  • Iyican, S. & Babcock, J. C. (2018). The relation between the two factors of psychopathy and intimate partner aggression.  Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 27, 119-130.  doi:10.1080/10926771.2017.1334020
  • Armenti, N., Snead, A. L., & Babcock, J. C. (2018). Examining the moderating role of problematic substance use in the relations between borderline and antisocial personality features and intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 24, 223-240. doi: 10.1177/1077801216687875.
  • Babcock, J. C. Armenti, N., & Warford, P. (2017). The trials and tribulations of testing couples-based interventions for intimate partner violence. Partner Abuse, 8, 110-121. doi:10.1891/1946-6560.8.1.110
  • Sommer, J., Babcock, J. C., & Sharp, C. (2017).  A dyadic analysis of partner violence and adult attachment.Journal of Family Violence. 32(3), 279-290. doi: 10.1007/s10896-016-9868-1 
  • Armenti, N. A., & Babcock, J. C. (2016). Conjoint treatment for intimate partner violence: A systematic review and implications. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 5(2), 109-123. doi:10.1037/cfp0000060
  • Babcock, J. C. Armenti, N., Cannon, C. Lauve-Moon, K, Buttell, F… (2016). Domestic violence perpetrator programs: A proposal for evidence-based standards in the United States. Partner Abuse, 7(4), 2-107. doi: 10.1891/1946-6560.7.4.355
  • Sommer, J., Iyican, S., & Babcock, J. (2016). The relation between contempt, anger, and intimate partner violence: A dyadic approach. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-21. 088626051666510.
  • Iyican, S., Sommer, J., Kini, S., & Babcock, J. (2015). Collateral report of psychopathy: Convergent and divergent validity of the psychopathic personality inventory-short form. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 26, 476-492. doi: 10.1080/14789949.2015.101826
  • Potthoff, A. & Babcock, J. C. (2015). Relationship satisfaction as a mediator of abuse and commitment. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 24, 68-83. doi: 10.1080/10926771.2015.982239
  • Keo-Meier, C. L., Herman, L., Reisner, S., Pardo, S. Sharp, C. & Babcock, J. C. (2015). Testosterone treatment and MMPI-2 improvement in female-to-male transgender persons: A prospective controlled study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 143-156. doi:10.1037/a0037599 
  • Reuter, T., Sharp, C., Temple, J., & Babcock, J. (2015). The relation between borderline Personality Disorder features and teen dating violence. Psychology of Violence, 5(2), 163-173. doi:10.1037/a0037891
  • Babcock, J. C., Sharp, C., Tharp, A., Hepner, W., & Stanford, M. A. (2014). Similarities and Differences in Impulsive/Premeditated and Reactive/Proactive Bimodal Classifications of Aggression. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19(3),251–262. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2014.04.002
  • Babcock, J. C., Gottman, J. M., Ryan, K. D., & Gottman, J. S. (2013). A component analysis of a brief psycho‐educational couples’ workshop: One‐year follow‐up results. Journal of Family Therapy, 35(3), 252-280. doi:10.1111/1467-6427.12017
  • Meier, S.C., Sharp, C., Michonski, J., Babcock, J., & Fitzgerald, K. (2013). Romantic relationships of female-to-male trans men: A descriptive study. International Journal of Transgenderism, 14, 75-85.
  • Meier, S., Pardo, S., Labuski, C., & Babcock, J. C. (2013). Measures of clinical health among female-to-male transgender persons as a function of sexual orientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 463-474. doi: 10.1007/s10508-012-0052-2
  • Sotelo, J. M. & Babcock, J. C. (2013). BIS/BAS Variables Moderate the Rumination-Intimate Partner Violence Link. Journal of Family Violence, 28, 233-242. doi:10.1007/s10896-013-9500-6
  • Meier, S., Fitzgerald, K., Pardo, S., & Babcock, J. (2011). The effects of hormonal gender affirmation treatment on mental health in female-to-male transsexuals. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health, 15(3), 281-299.
  • Babcock, J. C., Graham, K., Canady, B., & Ross, J. M. (2011). A proximal change experiment testing two communication exercises with intimate partner violent men.  Behavior Therapy, 42, 336-347. doi: 0.1016/j.beth.2010.08.010 (Voted one of the“Best of 2011 Violence Research” articles by Psychology of Violence.)
  • Bush, I., Sutherland, R. J., Schwartz, J. P., Babcock, J. C., & Siffert, K. J. (n.d.). Relation of communication styles to empathy and intimate violence. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e523832007-001
  • Canady, B. E., Naus, M. J., & Babcock, J. C. (2010). Physical and psychological abuse in breast cancer survivors and cancer-free women. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28, 351-360. doi: 10.1080/07347332.2010.485245
  • Ross, J. M. & Babcock, J. C. (2010). Feminist forum: Commentary on Controversies involving gender and intimate partner violence in the United States by Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling. Sex Roles, 62, 194-200. doi:10.1080/10926770903103180
  • Scott, S. & Babcock, J. C. (2010). Attachment as a moderator between intimate partner violence and PTSD symptoms. Journal of Family Violence, 25, 1-9.
  • Canady, B.E., & Babcock, J.C. (2009). The protective functions of social support and coping for women experiencing domestic violence. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 18, 443-458.
  • Ross, J. M. & Babcock, J. C. (2009).  Proactive and reactive violence among intimate partner violent men diagnosed with antisocial and borderline personality disorder. Journal of Family Violence, 24(8), 607-617. doi: 10.1007/s10896-009-9259-y
  • Ross, J. M. & Babcock, J. C. (2009). Gender differences in partner violence in context: Deconstructing Johnson’s control-based typology of violent couples. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 18, 604-622.
  • Babcock, J. C., Green, C. E., & Webb, S. A. (2008). Decoding deficits of batterers during presentation of facial affect slides. Journal of Family Violence, 23(5), 295-302. doi: 10.1007/s10896-008-9151-1
  • Babcock, J. C., Roseman, A. Green, C. E. & Ross, J. M. (2008). Intimate partner abuse and PTSD symptomology: Examining mediators and moderators of the abuse-trauma link. Journal of Family Psychology. 22, 809-818.
  • Costa, D. M. & Babcock, J. C. (2008). Articulated thoughts of intimate partner abusive men during anger arousal:  Correlates with personality disorder features. Journal of Family Violence, 23, 395-402. doi:10.1007/s10896-008-9163-x
  • Costa, D. M., Canady, B. & Babcock, J. C.  (2007). Preliminary report on the Accountability Scale: A change and outcome measure for intimate partner violence research. Violence & Victims, 22, 515-531. doi:10.1891/088667007782312177
  • Babcock, J. C., Green, C. E., Webb, S. A., & Yerington, T. P.  (2005). Psychophysiological profiles of batterers: Autonomic emotional reactivity as it predicts the antisocial spectrum of behavior among intimate partner abusers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 11(3), 445-455. doi:10.1037/0021-843X.114.3.444
  • Babcock, J. C., Canady, B, Senior, A. C., & Eckhardt, C. I. (2005). Applying the transtheoretical model to female and male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Gender differences in stages and processes of change. Violence and Victims, 20, 235-251.
  • Babcock, J. C., Costa, D. M., Green, C. E., & Eckhardt, C. I. (2004). What situations induce intimate partner violence?: A reliability and validity study of the Proximal Antecedents to Violent Episodes (PAVE) scale. Journal of Family Psychology, 18(3), 433–442. doi: 10.1037/0893-3200.18.3.433
  • Babcock, J. C., Green, C. E., Webb, S. A., & Graham, K. H. (2004). A Second Failure to Replicate the Gottman et al. (1995) Typology of Men Who Abuse Intimate Partners…and Possible Reasons Why”.  Journal of Family Psychology, 18, 396-400. doi:10.1037/0893-3200.18.2.396
  • Babcock, J. C., Green, C. E., & Robie, C. (2004). Does batterers’ treatment work?: A meta-analytic review of domestic violence treatment outcome research. Clinical Psychology Review, 23(8), 1023-1053. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2002.07.001
  • Eckhardt, C. I., Babcock, J. C., & Homack, S., (2004). Partner assaultive men and the stages and process of change. Journal of Family Violence, 19, 81-93. doi:10.1023/b:jofv.0000019839.98858.5c
  • Babcock, J. C., Miller, S. A., & Siard, C. (2003). Towards a typology of abusive women: Differences between partner-only and generally violent women in the use of violence. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 27, 153-161. doi: 10.1111/1471-6402.00095
  • Babcock, J. C., Jacobson, N. S., Gottman, J. M., & Yerington, T. P. (2000). Attachment, emotional regulation, and the function of marital violence: Differences between secure, preoccupied and dismissing violent and nonviolent husbands. Journal of Family Violence, 15, 391-409.
  • Dunne, J. E., Hudgins, W., & Babcock, J. C. (2000). Can changing the divorce law affect post-divorce adjustment?: A longitudinal study of the effects of two laws on divorcing parents and their children. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 33, 35-54. doi: 10.1300/j087v33n03_03
  • Waltz, J., Babcock, J. C., Jacobson, N. S. & Gottman, J. M. (2000).  Testing a typology of batterers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 658-669. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.68.4.658 (Published note: First and second authors contributed equally to this article.)
  • Babcock, J. C. &  Steiner, R.,  (1999).  The relationship between treatment, incarceration, and  recidivism of battering: A program evaluation of Seattle’s coordinated community response to domestic violence.  Journal of Family Psychology, 13, 46-59. doi: 10.1037//0893-3200.13.1.46
  • Coan, J., Gottman, J. M, Babcock, J. C., & Jacobson, N. S. (1997).  Battering and the male rejection of influence from women. Aggressive Behavior, 23, 375-388.
  • Gottman, J.M, Jacobson, N.S., Rushe, R.H., Shortt, J.W., Babcock, J.C.,  LaTaillade, J.J., & Waltz, J. (1995).  The relationship between heart rate reactivity, emotionally aggressive behavior, and general violence in batterers.  Journal of Family Psychology, 9(3), 227-248.
  • Jacobson, N. S., Gottman, J. M., Waltz, J., Rushe, R. Babcock, J. C., & Holtzworth-Munroe, A. (1994).  Affect, verbal content, and psychophysiology in the arguments of couples with a violent husband.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62(5), 982-988. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.62.5.982 
  • Babcock, J. C. & Jacobson, N. S. (1993).  Hot spots and smoldering embers in marital therapy research.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 10, 119-135.
  • Babcock, J. C., Waltz, J., Jacobson, N. S. & Gottman, J. M. (1993).  Power and violence:  The relationship between communication patterns, power discrepancies and domestic violence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61(1), 40-50. doi: 10.1037//0022-006x.61.1.40

Book Chapters, Invited Articles:

  • Godfrey D. A., Bennett V. E., Snead A. L., Babcock J. (2021) Neuropsychological and psychophysiological correlates of intimate partner violence. R. Geffner, J. W. White, L. K. Hamberger, A. Rosenbaum, V. Vaughan-Eden, & V. I. Vieth (Eds), Handbook of interpersonal violence and abuse across the lifespan: A project of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV).  Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-62122-7_136-1
  • Rodriguez, L. M, Armenti, N. A., Babcock, J. C. (2019). Beyond traditional treatment approaches for intimate partner violence: Integrating a dyadic perspective. In J. L. Ireland, C. A. Ireland & P Birch (Eds.), Violent and sexual offenders: Assessment, treatment and management (2nd Ed). (pp. 370-382). Willan Publishing.
  • Bennett, V. E., Snead, A. L. & Babcock, J. C. (2018). Beyond Duluth – New Directions for Treatment of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). In C. Calkins &  E. L. Jeglic (Eds.) New frontiers in offender treatment – The translation of  evidence-based practices to correctional settings. (pp. 269-285). Springer.
  • Armenti, N. A., Iyican, S., Sommer, J. M., & Babcock, J. C. (2017). Treatment of batterers: What works?.In P. Sturmey (Ed), The Wiley handbook of violence and aggression. Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/9781119057574.
  • Banks, J., Kini, S., & Babcock, J. C. (2013). Interventions that work to stop intimate partner violence. In L. Craig, L. Dixon, & T. Gannon (Eds.), What works in offender rehabilitation: An Evidence-based approach to assessment and treatment. (pp. 159-172). Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118320655.ch9
  • Babcock, J. C. (2009). Foreword to Strengths Based Batterer Intervention, P. Lehmann and C. Simmons (Eds). NY: Springer.
  • Michonski, J. D. & Babcock, J. C. (2009).  The psychophysiology of intimate partner violence: Are there physiological markers of psychological and physical aggression? In K.D. O’Leary & E.M. Woodin (Eds.), Psychological and physical aggression in couples: Causes and interventions. (pp. pp. 119-140). NY: APA Books. doi:10.1037/11880-006  (Peer-reviewed book chapter).
  • Babcock, J. C. (2007). Why Don’t Battering Interventions Work? Invited article published online 15 Feb 2007, article #23.
  • Babcock, J. C., Canady, B., Graham, K. H., & Schart, L. (2007). The evolution of battering interventions: From the Dark Ages into the Scientific Age. In J. Hamel & T. Nicholls (Eds). Family therapy for domestic violence:  A practitioner’s guide to gender-inclusive research and treatment. (pp. 215-244). NY: Springer.
  • Ross, J. M. & Babcock, J. C. (2004). Book review of Programs for men who batter: Intervention and prevention strategies in a diverse society, Aldarondo & Mederos (Eds.) Contemporary PsychologyPsycCRITIQUES, 29(49), Supplement 14, 1-4. doi:10.1037/04040S
  • Babcock, J. C. & LaTaillade, J. (2000). Evaluating interventions for men who batter. In J. Vincent & E. Jouriles (Eds). Domestic violence: Guidelines for research-informed practice. (pp. 37-77). Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Christensen, A., Jacobson, N. S. & Babcock, J. C. (1995). Integrative behavioral couples therapy.  In A. S. Gurman & N. S. Jacobson (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marital therapy. (31-64). New York:  Guilford Press.